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Smok Novo 2 – Best Portable Vaporizer

Smok Novo 2 – Best Portable Vaporizer Smok Novo 2 Mega Packs may be the next generation of smokers’ ultimate super-deluxe electric cigarettes that has been meticulously engineered to deliver superior satisfaction and extraordinary value. Smok Novo 2 Mega Pack offers the latest in technology and revolutionary features in the electronic cigarette industry. It is…

The Puff Bar and Public Health

The Puff Bar and Public Health Puff Bar, a comparatively new e-liquid company of disposable cigarette brands, has suddenly halted sales on its site. Despite this announcement, as yet, the company’s web site continues to list other outlets for the Puff Bar line of products. This is as opposed to other brands of disposable cigarettes…

Smok Pen – Vaporize E-Liquid Without Ever Plugging It In

Smok Pen – Vaporize E-Liquid Without Ever Plugging It In The Smok vapor pen is a new and exciting digital camera from electronic giant Smok International. It’s section of their “Vapory” series, and is geared towards people who enjoy smoking on a regular basis. The vapor pen has two different functionalities: the ability to light…

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